PPD - Purchase Point Design
PPD stands for Purchase Point Design
Here you will find, what does PPD stand for in Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Purchase Point Design? Purchase Point Design can be abbreviated as PPD What does PPD stand for? PPD stands for Purchase Point Design. What does Purchase Point Design mean?Purchase Point Design is an expansion of PPD
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Alternative definitions of PPD
- Pack Per Day
- PostScript printer description file (PageMaker)
- Pre- Paid Legal Services, Inc.
- Postscript Printer Definition
- Predicted Percentage Of Dissatisfied
- Packs per day
- Purified Protein Derivative
- PostScript Printer Description
View 120 other definitions of PPD on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- PSL Power Standards Lab
- PTS Pine Tree Society
- PMH Prosser Memorial Hospital
- PEC Pacific Environmental Corp.
- PREO Platinum Real Estate Ohio
- PCPI Progress Career Planning Institute
- PTS Patterson Tubular Services
- PG The Pert Group
- PRE Pomerleau Real Estate
- PTTHL PTT Holidays LLC
- PCAR Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape
- PSEW Public School Employees of Washington
- PRTS Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
- PFUKL Pet Food UK Ltd
- PHS Pivotal Health Solutions
- PPSE Phare Performing Social Enterprise
- PACS Pure Air Control Services
- PMP Paul Mitchell Pro